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Why Go Pro?

Why Use a Professional Photographer for Your Property Listings ?
  • Digital images quickly and professionally showcase a listing.
  • Homes sell 32% faster and 39% closer to their original asking price with pro photos.  Less market times means fewer price reductions. Less mortgage interest paid by the seller.  
  • Valuable market time isn't wasted.
  • 90% of Buyers start their search on-line FIRST, narrowing down homes they want to see. 
  • 89% of home buyers who searched for a home on the internet found pro photos to be the most useful feature on home search websites.
  • Agents who use pro photos earn twice as much commission over those who take photos themselves and use their cell phone or other point & click cameras.
  • Drone photos add to the appeal and show off features from a "bird's eye" perspective to entice potential buyers to preview the property in person.
  • Sellers prepare their home better for showing for potential buyers by staging the property for pro photos, making it more appealing.
  • Listings with pro photos receive 118% more online views.
  • By doing pro photos, you service ALL of your listing clients with the same high standards and respect, regardless of price range. And they will be grateful.
  • You look like a ROCK STAR!
You have ONE chance to IMPRESS...Make it Count!
(Sources:  REALTOR. com, Redfin, IMoto, Inman)
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